Wednesday, December 9, 2015

This is today...

There are about a billion other blog posts that should come before this about what's been happening in our lives lately... But I decided instead of waiting until I can chronologically document our days so that it's all nice and orderly (as if there is actually any order to our days while they are haphazardly happening) I just had to post today. 

We hosted Trey's preschool Christmas party at our house and it was a lot of fun. I had 6 adorable reindeer running around! So... Even though there are an endless number of other posts I should have done before and haven't had time... This is today... And I don't want to forget this innocent little adorable 3 year old Rudolph or his nearly 1 year old side kick... Today. 
We started off the morning with a text from Granni to enjoy the sunrise with her... So we sat by the glass door and watched it together :)

Monday, November 9, 2015


Today was a great day. It is my 26th birthday, and it was filled with fun, food, family, and lots of love from the 3 most important boys in my life.

The little guys were so good today compared to some days, and things went pretty smooth all day which is always a blessing in itself. A friend posted this on Facebook and I can 100% relate.

I'm posting it today because I'm going to need it again someday, heck maybe even by tomorrow. I have been battling these exact feelings myself for months and months and most of the times... The feelings win. So on days like today I just count my extra blessings that we survived a day without an internal "I'm a terrible Mom" battle.  

I know I'll be grateful for an awesome perspective to reflect on on and read again on those days I need it. No matter what comes... I can do this.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Puddle jumping

I'm not going to lie... Treyson and I have been at wits ends with each other at least once a day for the past while. We have had some pretty major melt downs on both our parts from time to time, and I have been hoping to find a way to work through it. He is such a sweet little boy who just tends to share his FULL range of emotions with me :) so when I see the not so sweet reactions coming from him it just about breaks my heart. I start questioning and wondering about everything I do as his mother. I work to much, I give to much attention to his baby brother and not enough to him, I am more often than not getting after him for just being a 3 year old boy. So amid all that we have had quite the range of emotions swirling around here lately.

So today I brought the boys home after work from Granni's house, Treyson asks me if he can jump in the puddle from today's storm... I say sure! And the turn to take the baby inside. 

Then I stop myself and decide to take just a moment to watch my sweet boy  enjoy one of the simplest yet best things you could ever ask for as a 3 year old, dragon jacket, super hero undies, rain boot wearing little boy. 

As I sat there for close to 30 minutes and watched, laughed, recorded, and snapped pictures of him, I remembered that this is what it's really all about. It's the simple things like a fresh puddle to jump in, or the beautiful clouds in the sky, or not worrying that you are still wearing your work clothes, but are getting covered in mud while you take the time to make a memory with your child, that make our days worth while.

The years will continue to fly by faster than I can even imagine, and I hope and pray that the rough days will fade and that we will be able to instead remember the days that we made memories together. 

After muddy socks, a lost boot, soaking wet jeans, and lots of giggles... Trey ran over to me, leaned down and gave me a big hug and said "I love you Mom. We're best fwends togeder." Not only did that completely melt my heart, but made me vow to myself to make a more conscious effort to connect with him each day. I love him with all my heart and just hope he grows up knowing that every day.

Wrong feet and all :)
My beautiful view 

This little guy was pretty jealous he couldn't join in
<3 this hug more than he will probably ever know

Friday, September 4, 2015

Another First!

Kanon's first haircut! :) now he doesn't look like Dwight Schrute anymore! 

Here is the transition...
Very "Dwight-esk" 

Now short and Handsome like his big brother!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Did that just happen??

Where has the time gone?? Can't believe this little big kid of mine is starting Preschool today! He is so beyond excited that I can't help but be excited to, but man it sure makes me wonder how we got here so fast. It seems like just yesterday I was bringing that big chunky bundle of joy home from the hospital! 

Love you lots today and every day Trey!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Big Brother

MOMMY!! Come here... Look! :D He didn't cry!
It may be a miracle if Kanon survives being a little brother :)

Love these boys more than anything. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


My boys just had their very first giggle attack together. Lloyd was gone to mutual and we were in the middle of family prayers. Kanon just started laughing at his big brother (he already worships this kid and he's only 5 months old) then before you know it, we are all 3 laughing uncontrollably. It was quite possibly the most adorable thing I have ever witnessed! After a very long day of work, a teething baby, and a no nap toddler, it was a much needed reminder of the blessing of having two kids! These boys are my whole world.

Oh... And we tried solids for the first time today :) it went pretty good!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Couldn't agree more

The words of a poor 3 year old through tears after spending the night up and puking :(

Mommy... I don't like the uckies.

Me either bud, that breaks my Mommy heart! What a way to end your birthday celebrations. Hope you feel better soon sweet pea.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Good days

Here's what we have been up to the last few days.

Lloyd and I celebrated our anniversary last weekend and went on a ride with our new bikes! We are excited to get in shape together this year! It was a slow start, but hey it's a start :)

We had lots of easter and conference weekend fun!

And apparently this little guy thinks he can roll over now! I took this right as he did it all by himself. He is growing up to fast.

Trey's favorite thing right now is baths! He even got a glow in the dark one yesterday... When you take two baths every day... You have to get creative haha!

And last but not least, Trey was just looking TOO good this morning not to take a picture :) dinosaur slippers, cape, and all!

Friday, March 27, 2015

The simple things

I'm trying to make it a point to capture something every day in our lives worth blogging about. Already this morning Trey has "colored" me a beautiful picture on the frosty window. He begs to color every morning, and I usually tell him no so we don't let the cold in, but I realize it's simple things like this that someday we won't want to do and I will miss! So color away Trey! 
And here are some big smiles from yesterday that are always worth remembering :) 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

3 months already!!

Holy Moley time is flying! Can't believe this handsome little guy is already 3 months old. It's been such a blessing having these smiles come into our home.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Date day!

Today started our very first monthly Trey and Mommy date :) 

We started at the library where we picked up some Clifford books. He made sure to tell all the nice ladies that we were on a SPECIAL date.

Then we headed to Walmart to get some popcorn and a redbox... We got sidetracked when I got a bloody nose in the bathroom for about 10 minutes (which translates into an eternity for a 2 year old... Especially when he is scared of the automatic toiled that I swear could suck you right in when it flushes every 30 seconds!) When we finally got to the checkout stand he insisted one of those giant suckers that I already know will be a sticky red mess all over my couch come movie time, but that's ok :) it's our SPECIAL date!

Next up was lunch at Rupes! He got to tell the nice waitress what he wanted for lunch "ALL his by-shelf" a corndog with Fwench fwies and lemonade. He loved riding the motorcycle while we waited for our food, and we of course topped off lunch with a swirl cone. 

Last but not least, we hit up the quarter machine and got a stretchy yoyo! It was a perfect little date with my favorite 2 year old :) I sure do love getting to be this kids mom!

After all that play and no nap... We sat down to read and Clifford had him down for the count by 6:00pm :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Moments like these

"Just eatin drowberries and watching kitis george!" 

It's moments and mispronounced phrases like this that I know I'm going to miss so much some day! Trey is growing up right before my eyes and I love watching it happen.

Happy to be a momma today!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Love this

These texts always seem to come at just the moment I need them, and make my whole day better. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


It's 6:09am and you have been asleep since 9:30pm. This is the first time you have slept through the night in your short 8 weeks of life. And although I am grateful for the full night of sleep. I have probably checked at least 6 times in the last hour to make sure you're still breathing :) Mommy paranoia is a love/hate relationship. Even in the littlest thing like 9 hours of sleep, I know this is one more tiny milestone you just reached and it makes me realize all the more how fast time flies. I have loved watching you grow even for just two months, and sometimes wish I could stop time for you and your big brother. I love letting you be little, but find so much joy in watching you grow also. Thank you for coming into my life so that I can watch, snuggle, worry about, and love you.

Sleep tight sweetheart,
Love Mommy

Friday, January 9, 2015

25 resolutions!

I saw this on Facebook today and as I was reading it I agreed with all 25 points. I think this is a great list of reminders to keep my marriage the first priority in my life... Here's to 25 New Years resolutions!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Kanon Dash Lee

It's been a crazy couple months at our house to say the least! We listed our house for sale, moved in with Lloyd's parents for a few weeks before planning to move back into our house which hadn't sold... THEN got an offer on our house... Changed all our plans and ended up living with Grandma and Grandad for almost two months instead of two weeks, closed on our house, found a new place to rent, and are now 2 days away from moving to our new place! 

But most of all, we are the happy new parents of another adorable baby boy. Kanon joined our family on December 23rd at 4:42 am. He weighed 7lb 4oz (what a light weight after a 9lb 4oz Treyson!!) and 21 1/2" long. He had lots of brown hair and is just perfect. Treyson is such a great big brother and makes sure to say... Awe! Baby Brudder is SO cute!! Every time he comes near him :)
More details to come after we're settled in our new place...
 38 weeks and 5 days... On our way out the door to head for the hospital