Friday, March 20, 2015

Date day!

Today started our very first monthly Trey and Mommy date :) 

We started at the library where we picked up some Clifford books. He made sure to tell all the nice ladies that we were on a SPECIAL date.

Then we headed to Walmart to get some popcorn and a redbox... We got sidetracked when I got a bloody nose in the bathroom for about 10 minutes (which translates into an eternity for a 2 year old... Especially when he is scared of the automatic toiled that I swear could suck you right in when it flushes every 30 seconds!) When we finally got to the checkout stand he insisted one of those giant suckers that I already know will be a sticky red mess all over my couch come movie time, but that's ok :) it's our SPECIAL date!

Next up was lunch at Rupes! He got to tell the nice waitress what he wanted for lunch "ALL his by-shelf" a corndog with Fwench fwies and lemonade. He loved riding the motorcycle while we waited for our food, and we of course topped off lunch with a swirl cone. 

Last but not least, we hit up the quarter machine and got a stretchy yoyo! It was a perfect little date with my favorite 2 year old :) I sure do love getting to be this kids mom!

After all that play and no nap... We sat down to read and Clifford had him down for the count by 6:00pm :)

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