Thursday, January 8, 2015

Kanon Dash Lee

It's been a crazy couple months at our house to say the least! We listed our house for sale, moved in with Lloyd's parents for a few weeks before planning to move back into our house which hadn't sold... THEN got an offer on our house... Changed all our plans and ended up living with Grandma and Grandad for almost two months instead of two weeks, closed on our house, found a new place to rent, and are now 2 days away from moving to our new place! 

But most of all, we are the happy new parents of another adorable baby boy. Kanon joined our family on December 23rd at 4:42 am. He weighed 7lb 4oz (what a light weight after a 9lb 4oz Treyson!!) and 21 1/2" long. He had lots of brown hair and is just perfect. Treyson is such a great big brother and makes sure to say... Awe! Baby Brudder is SO cute!! Every time he comes near him :)
More details to come after we're settled in our new place...
 38 weeks and 5 days... On our way out the door to head for the hospital

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