Monday, December 15, 2014

Big Brother

You are almost a big brother. I am 2 weeks away from my due date and we doubt your little brother will actually wait that long to meet you. I want you to know how much Daddy and I love you.

I came upstairs to check on you before going to bed and found your Dad laying next to you, watching you sleep. I also realized as I laid beside you earlier tonight that you won't be my baby boy much longer and a part of me is sad to see that happen. 

Your dad and I have spent countless hours watching you, sleep, grow and learn these last two years. We stay awake stressing over all the things we may be doing wrong in your life and pray for you every single day, and would do just about anything to make you happy. I hope that as our lives change and our family continues to grow that you never ever forget that you are loved by your parents.

I am so blessed to have you and your sweet, happy spirit in my life and can't wait to keep watching you grow. You will always be my first baby boy no matter how many times you become a big brother again. I love you with all my heart.


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