Monday, July 28, 2014

A little more Joy in our Journey!

I have been missing from the blog the last couple of months, but that is for good reason! Mostly because I knew if I got on here and started talking about anything going on in our lives that I would spill the beans... to early! But we are so excited to say that we are finally having another baby!! Baby #2 will be joining our family sometime late this December, and we find out in just 3 days if we are getting a boy or a girl!!

It has been quite the journey to get here, with lots of ups and downs. I know that we are SO very blessed that it only took us a year of issues to find a simple solution to our hopes of having more children. There are so many out there suffering with heartache who try year after year with no solution in sight and my heart breaks for them all. I can't express my gratitude enough for the blessings I see in my life, and the chance that we have to be new parents once again!

After or 3rd miscarriage in the past year happened in January, we decided it was time to see the doctor and find out if there were any steps or recommendations of what to do next. Do we keep trying? Do we need to do testing? Does my body just need a break for a while? Well, I scheduled an appointment with my Dr. and after talking with him, he said in someone else's circumstance he would suggest waiting a year to start trying again for a baby, but he also understood that after a year of issues we were HIGHLY unlikely to be on board with that advice unless it was absolutely necessary. He also suggested a large panel of blood tests that coule check for any disorders or specific issues that my body might be having, and then the worst part came... he said it runs about $1,500, but don't worry it is covered by most insurance companies. :( My heart sunk. We don't have health insurance, and there is no way our pockets are stretching that deep right now.

So I left the doctor's office a little discouraged and not sure what to do next. I didn't want to put off doing tests if it could give us some answers and help us have another baby, but it would be months before we could put enough money aside to pay for this. This is about the time that I decided to contact my former boss at the Hospital and take a long shot that they may be looking to hire someone again. I've already told this story, but this was such an answer to prayers that I was hired back just a couple of months later and it has been a tender mercy in our lives to be back again.

In the mean time of all these changes... I found out I was pregnant, and it just so happens that with a hospital job also comes... Health Insurance :) the timing could not have been better and to make a long story short, we were able to have the tests done that we needed to. I was about 8 weeks along when I got the results of my tests back. We discovered that I have a blood disorder called an Anti platelet Antibody which basically means that my blood is to thick and when my body is reproducing cells during a pregnancy due to the baby growing so rapidly, that the blood supply can't keep up. This causes blood clots to form between me and the baby, which eventually stops any nutrients being able to get through and then causes a miscarriage.

My Dr. immediately prescribed me a blood thinner called Heparin, which I now take twice a day as a nice little shot in my stomach. I was worried that we may have not figured this out in time because I usually miscarried around 8-9 weeks, but at my 10 week appointment everything was looking great! I am in awe of modern medicine and how much we can learn about our bodies. If I were born 100 years ago... I may have never had another baby. (Not to mention the fact that I feel all the more blessed that we have Treyson) Apparently I have always had this disorder and just never had any adverse effects, until now. So although it sounded a little scary to me at first, I am not worried about dealing with it in the future. If all it takes is a couple of pokes every day, and some ugly bruises on my stomach for 9 months to help us have more children then I can do that!

Lloyd and I are getting so excited for what the future holds, and can't believe how fast December seems to be coming already! We are grateful for a little more Joy being added to our Journey!

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