Sunday, April 20, 2014

My Easter Hashtag

Today as I was looking on Facebook I was noticing a lot of posts about Easter and the Savior. There have been a lot of "Because of Him" "Hashtags" going around. I love reading the posts, but at the same time I was feeling a little guilty that I didn't have anything wonderful or profound or important enough that I felt like sharing on my own wall, for the world to see about my testimony of the Savior on today of all days.

As I was getting ready I had the Sounds of Sunday playing on the phone and this song came on. I was almost in tears as I listened to it. Not only because I love thinking of the Savior's life through His mother's eyes as I can relate with a little boy of my own, but because I can 100% relate my testimony to that of this song. "I Just Knew" I always have known that Jesus Christ is my Savior, and I will forever be grateful that I was sent to this earth to a wonderful family who kept that testimony burning bright throughout my childhood, and encouraged me to strengthen it on my own into adulthood. I may not have had any earth shattering experiences to shake my testimony and cause me to fight my way back to find it's peace in my life, but each and every day I am challenged by the little things that could potentially pull me away from the Gospel if I am not anchored in its teachings. I am so grateful for this reminder that even if it seems simple and small, my testimony is just as important to share and show through my life that I am who I am because of Jesus and His amazing sacrifice for me. 

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