Monday, March 10, 2014

A Child's Prayer

I put Lloyd in charge of the FHE lesson tonight. He said "I know! We can teach Treyson how to pray." Well we already pray with him every morning and night so I asked what he meant. Treyson is at the stage where he wants to repeat everything you say, so we decided to give it a shot and let him say the prayer himself for the first time. 

We sang "A child's prayer" for our opening song, both versus and even the duet... And we only forgot a few of the words! ;) it was so cute because Trey just sat with Lloyd and listened intently the whole time... And that's a pretty big deal for an almost 2 year old. Then we let him pick a couple of songs to sing. He of course chose Snowman, and Popcorn.

So after about 5 minutes total we decided we had better get on with it if we wanted any chance of his attention span lasting long enough to say a prayer himself. So we knelt down and Treyson even folded his arms the whole time. I had him repeat after me a very simple prayer. We told Heavenly Father thank you we could have Family Home Evening, I love mommy, I love daddy, and I love Jesus. 

Needless to say I could hardly finish the prayer, Trey said every word and Mommy and Daddy were both in tears. Even in the simplest of prayers when he hardly knew what he was saying I was overwhelmed by the sweet spirit of this little boy. We are truly so grateful to be his parents and couldn't ask for a better blessing than to witness all the amazing things he teaches us every day. 

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