Thursday, February 27, 2014

To Fast

My baby is growing up... And I don't like it much.

Tonight Trey is sleeping in his "big boy" bed for the first time. It's funny that something as simple as taking off the front railing on his crib could get him so excited! He was having so much fun climbing up and down and playing on the bed. He couldn't wait to show daddy when he got home from work and was even excited for bed and tried to go "night night" twice before bed time. 

At the same time I'm also finding it a little funny that exact same thing has this mommy feeling a little emotional. I was all fine and dandy when we stopped nursing, dropped the bottle, the first birthday, graduating from the high chair to the booster and all the other little milestones... But change my baby's crib into a bed?! That makes him a full blown TODDLER, and I realize it's all going way to fast.

I was just as excited as Trey was when I set the bed up and I loved watching him climb in looking so proud to be a big boy when bed time came. Then I found myself just wanting to sit by the door to make sure he was ok. We lasted about an hour before he was up and crying for mommy and daddy... And Grandad haha! He hadn't made a peep before then so I'm guessing he probably went to sleep and then rolled off the bed (onto the mountain of pillows). So mommy came to the rescue and I'll just say I loved every second of rocking him back to sleep in my arms again.  

I got him laid back down and then another hour later Lloyd and I were heading to bed and of course had to check on him again. He was out cold and it was so sweet to watch Lloyd lay next to him on the floor and just want to hold his little hand, he is so stinking cute we can't even take it sometimes! So I snapped a picture and we finally pulled ourselves away. I just find myself wanting to hold on to these moments as I realize how hard it is to let your children grow up. 

I don't know why this "apron string" is so hard to let go, but I wish I could keep him small and innocent forever. There will come a time when Mom and Dad aren't the funnest friends he has anymore and I know each day we are one step closer to that. But I am also so excited to see what the future holds for us and this little guy. He is so full of life and personality and I'm so happy he is mine forever... Even if he does grow to fast. So I will probably toss and turn a little extra tonight as I worry about my "big boy" in the next room over, but I wouldn't trade it for anything!
-Sweet dreams Trey, Mommy loves you

1 comment:

  1. This post made me cry. You are the sweetest mom ever, Sunni. And it shows in your sweet little boy. love you!
