Sunday, December 22, 2013

From the mouth of babes

As Trey is learning more "words" I often find myself being the only one that can understand him. I thought it would be fun to document his little "language" as it evolves! 

Na-na: Banana
Ny-ny: Good night
Ka-ka: Cracker or pretty much any food
Oh ka-ka (while shaking his head): No Cracker
Muh: Milk
Joo: Juice
Ta-ta-ta: Hot
Kckie: Cookie 
Chee: Cheese
Puh-puh: Apple
Wa-wa: Water/shower
Tee: Brush Teeth
Pa-pa: Grandpa/Grandad
Ma-ma: Grandma
Gnani: Granni
Dadaay: Daddy
Ma: Mommy
Chutchu: Catcher
Noh: Nose
Giggies: Piggies/toes
Bah: Ball
Chuh: Chair
Di-Dow: Sit down
Kah: Car/Socks
Kee or Tee: Keys
Wuh-wuh: Word World
Mo-mo: Elmo
Maou: Micky Mouse
Lah-laah: Light
Booh: Book
Luh-yyyyoo: I love you 
do-Do-DO!!: 1-2-3
Oh Nnnnnoh: Oh no
Oh Derrr: Oh dear
Ah-Da: All done
Ah-Ga: All gone
Mo-mo: More
Ha-ta: Hat
Djoo: Shoes
Kikie: Icky/sticky
Peee: Please
Duh-Doo: Thank You
Hiy-hiy: Hi
Buh-bah: Bye Bye

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