Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Time to Celebrate!

We had our anniversary last week, but since Lloyd was working that day we didn't celebrate until he had a day off. Since he was in charge of our Valentine's Day plans this year, I took over our anniversary. I decided to make a little bit of fun out of a tight budget and a somewhat normal day! I sent Lloyd on picture scavenger hunt for our plans. :)

-Each of these envelopes had a picture inside and he didn't get his next clue until he went to the place in the picture and followed the instructions-
First I made breakfast... Copy Cat "Crew" Sandwich from Gandolfo's, which is Lloyds Favorite
Clue #1: We had both won prizes from the radio station for our march madness brackets, so he opened his envelope and was instructed to pick up our prizes.
Clue #2: Before leaving the radio studio his next clue was to take Treyson home for a nap where "Pepper and Buddy" were waiting for him in his crib.
Clue #3 was to stop to fill up on gas and get drinks :) Lloyd always says every road trip needs drinks, and we even had a coupon for a free one!
Clue #4: This was a pretty vague clue. I wasn't sure Lloyd would recognize it, but it said we could go for a walk and then play for a while.
Clue 4.1: He actually guessed with the first picture, but this was a back up in case it was to hard... If anyone is from around here you know the Jensen's Grove pavilion when you see it!
The plan was to take Treyson for a walk in his stroller and then play on the swings and slide, but mother nature didn't like that idea. It was so windy we barely lasted 10 minutes just to hit a couple of the slides

Thank goodness it was still fun and we had enough time to get a few cute pictures!

Clue #5: It was time to go to Granni's house where another stuffed puppy was waiting in the crib for Treyson since it was nap time again.
Once we got to Granni's there was a picnic basket waiting us! We left Trey there to spend the night, and went for a little drive and enjoyed our picnic in the car... darn wind!

Clue #6: Find the nearest Redbox to pick out a movie for later that night. 
We decided on Taken 2.

Clue #7: Did you save any room for Dessert? 
This picture is of our favorite ice cream spot, the carhop at Rupes! 
We stopped by for a frozen yogurt.
Clue #8 was to head back home. Lloyd was needing a haircut, so we had enough time to go spruce up before heading to dinner. 
Clue #9: Time for Texas Roadhouse where we had dinner with our friends Doug and Laura who were celebrating their anniversary to! (On a side note, Laura used her necklace Voodoo over my wrist to predict how many kids we will have... looks like were in for 4 boys and then a girl) haha
Clue #10 after dinner lead us back home to Lloyd's truck. The day before I had filled up the back with pillows, blankets, and movie treats! I borrowed a projector from a neighbor and we planned to project the movie onto a sheet I hung on our back porch as a movie screen, while we snuggled up in the back. Sadly while we were setting up we realized our extension cord wasn't long enough, and the darn wind was still going crazy, so our "movie screen" wasn't exactly cooperating. :(
So a little bummed that my only "cool" factor for the whole day was failing, I suggested projecting onto the garage door instead! It worked great! 
The weather was supposed to be better than it turned out, so unfortunately we were frozen to the bone halfway through the movie and had to go inside to finish anyway... but it was still fun :)
It was a great anniversary celebration, and I am one lucky girl to have snagged such an amazing husband!

1 comment:

  1. You do such cute things! I'm jealous. You need to teach me how to be creative :)
