Saturday, April 20, 2013

5 Seconds

Today we are starting off our morning by taking it easy and watching a little of the Lorax. Both of my boys are trying to get over a nasty cold that we caught last week, but I got a few snuggles out of Trey... which is just about the ONLY perk to having a sick baby boy.
 But on a regular day, I have discovered that it only takes about 5 seconds for me to turn around and he has found his way into some sort of mischief. I try to get most of these instances on camera... but when he took my comb for a swim in the toilet last week, my Mamma instincts kicked in way before my photographer instincts so we went toilet fishing and hand washing before going for the camera.
Here are just a few of the other "adventures" we find ourselves in,
if he gets out of my sight for more than about a second.

 Since setting up the humidifier in his room, he has pulled it onto the floor
and spilled water all over at least once a day.

Raw potatoes for dinner
 The table goes from a Jungle Gym to a Prison Cell in a blink of an eye when he can't figure out how to get back out again
 To our surprise, he knows how to climb stairs all of a sudden. 
He can get clear up the stairs in about 15 seconds.
 And since he was not feeling good earlier this week, I gave in and let him play 
in the dishwasher... he loved it!

 Up and down.... and up and down.
 And one day he found my scarf on the floor. He played peek-a-boo with it for a bit, and then I found him walking around with it on his neck!                                                                                                              

Then I heard a noise from his room and went to check it out. He crawled in behind his changing table and was pulling everything off the shelves... and still sporting the scarf to :)

I am a lucky Mom to get to chase this little guy around every day.


  1. I love this post! Paxton does the same thing! I'll turn around for 5 seconds and everything is pulled out of my vanity and he likes to spray my perfume everywhere!! ha ha I want to meet your little guy! So.....cute!

  2. Oh my gosh these are so cute!! Loved the jungle gym to prison cell :)
