Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

A great man once said, "Mmm... Goo toast" -hehe
In honor of that funny yet ridiculous man I present to you, Nacho Libre Jr!

 For our ward party we took a more modest approach on the costume... Homeless man working for candy!

Monday, October 21, 2013


The noblest calling in the world is motherhood. - David O. McKay

Today I got to stay home from work and be with Trey all day... I miss this! Even though I'm only gone half of the day, it was so different getting to be home with him all day again. I gave all my attention to my favorite little boy and tried to let him do whatever he wanted just for the day! Lucky for me, we have had a day full of playing, hugs, kisses, tickles, and snuggles on the couch.

We were both so much happier than on our usual Monday! Even though Trey had a minor melt down at the grocery store, I felt like we bounced back a lot quicker than normal. 

It's a day like today that reminds me how grateful I am to be a mother. I am happy that I can be helping out with our finance by working part time right now... But At the same time I am SO looking forward to the day when I get to put ALL my time and energy into my "Mommy" duties again! I know that is the most important work I could ever do, and to be honest... most days I feel guilty that I l'm not staying home like I used to. I worry that every tantrum that gets thrown (which seems to be happening more than usual lately) is somehow a result of me being gone every day, or Trey not getting my one on one attention near as much anymore.

This may seem like a silly thing to worry myself over, but it's just one of the countless little things that has a way of keeping a Mother up at night worrying over. And even though I am far from perfect I truly thank my Heavenly Father every day just for the opportunity He gave me to be Treyson's Mom. Most days I don't feel like I'm doing a very good job of raising him, but he is always amazing me with his sweet little spirit. It is truly a blessing in our lives and I know I will probably learn so much more from him in a lifetime than I can ever teach him myself. All in all, today I am just happy that I got to be reminded of how much I love my first, favorite, and most important job... Being a Mommy! 
Nutella and crackers on the car ride home! This smile makes it all worth it

Sugar high!

This is what ENTIRELY to much sugar in an 18 month old boy sounds like... On the way home from Jeff and Jenna's wedding reception where Trey had more than his fair share of refreshments :) 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Life as we know it

Summer has come and gone... And I haven't blogged in 2 months! Life has been exceptionally hectic lately and posting just hasn't made it's way to the top of my priority list. And even though I should really be editing a photo shoot right now... I'm giving myself 20 minutes. 

Treyson was being the mischievous little boy that he is tonight and after getting him on video I just couldn't put off posting another day. I can't afford to forget all the crazy little moments that make up our day to day life. 

Here are all the other ups and downs of our summer that have yet to be recorded so I don't forget what a great year it's been so far.

-4th of July- Trey wasn't as excited about our home firework show as we were hoping, but it was still fun

-FamLee Reunion- We were in charge d the Lee reunion this year and had an amazing week with most of Lloyd's family. We had a Hunger Games theme and as always had the best time together as a family

-Treyson's first fat lip- Face plant onto the floor... hard!

-We Moved!- This has definitely been the main component of our stress and chaos since August, but we're finally starting to settle in. We went from a home in Shelley to a small apartment in Pocatello... Not the funnest thing in the world to downsize, but it will be well worth the sacrifice

-Uncle Buddy and Cousin Hayden went on a Mission- We miss them, but are so grateful for the awesome example they are setting. They will be great missionaries!

-Lloyd is back in school- 3rd... Or 4th or 5th time is the charm ;) he is getting his business management degree online and now selling insurance. One of the greatest parts of our move is this new job for him! He is enjoying it and we get to have more time together as a family

-Pool time at Grandpa and Granni's house- Then, Granni "pushed" him back in the pool in his dry clothes... and regular diaper... and it got a little full!

-Trey is our little chatter box- He has learned to say, "oh dear" and it's just about the cutest thing in the world. His new favorite animal sounds to make are a chicken, kitty, cow, duck, horse, and bunny

-2 Pregnancies -2 Miscarriages- One in June, one in August. We have definitely had our emotional highs and lows about it all, but apparently the timing just hasn't been right yet... But boy will we be excited when it is!

-Labor Day camping trip!- We're hoping to make it a yearly tradition with both of our families

-I am a lunch lady!- I'm working at a local highschool and it's perfect for our situation right now. Lloyd stays home in the morning, and we switch when I get off work. Not having to put Trey in daycare is a blessing

-Photography!-  I have loved starting this little photography business and I am honestly just thrilled to get take pictures for people. I feel so lucky to have found something I love so much!

-Trey is learning lots- He knows where his nose, mouth, eyes, belly, and muscles are!
-General Conference- What an uplifting weekend we just had. I feel spiritually renewed and so grateful for guidance and direction from our church leaders. I felt like so many of the talks were written directly to me.

-Trey had his own "ups" and "downs"- :) I couldn't help taking this picture even though he was very upset about falling down!

It may be a little crazy, but this is life as we know it. I wouldn't want it any other way.