Monday, October 21, 2013


The noblest calling in the world is motherhood. - David O. McKay

Today I got to stay home from work and be with Trey all day... I miss this! Even though I'm only gone half of the day, it was so different getting to be home with him all day again. I gave all my attention to my favorite little boy and tried to let him do whatever he wanted just for the day! Lucky for me, we have had a day full of playing, hugs, kisses, tickles, and snuggles on the couch.

We were both so much happier than on our usual Monday! Even though Trey had a minor melt down at the grocery store, I felt like we bounced back a lot quicker than normal. 

It's a day like today that reminds me how grateful I am to be a mother. I am happy that I can be helping out with our finance by working part time right now... But At the same time I am SO looking forward to the day when I get to put ALL my time and energy into my "Mommy" duties again! I know that is the most important work I could ever do, and to be honest... most days I feel guilty that I l'm not staying home like I used to. I worry that every tantrum that gets thrown (which seems to be happening more than usual lately) is somehow a result of me being gone every day, or Trey not getting my one on one attention near as much anymore.

This may seem like a silly thing to worry myself over, but it's just one of the countless little things that has a way of keeping a Mother up at night worrying over. And even though I am far from perfect I truly thank my Heavenly Father every day just for the opportunity He gave me to be Treyson's Mom. Most days I don't feel like I'm doing a very good job of raising him, but he is always amazing me with his sweet little spirit. It is truly a blessing in our lives and I know I will probably learn so much more from him in a lifetime than I can ever teach him myself. All in all, today I am just happy that I got to be reminded of how much I love my first, favorite, and most important job... Being a Mommy! 
Nutella and crackers on the car ride home! This smile makes it all worth it

1 comment:

  1. so cute sunni! miss you guys. hope life in pocky is treating you well :)
