Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Summer Time!

I was going through an old camera today and came across this picture! This was Treyson's very first Sunday going to church when he was a week and a half old. (May 6, 2012) I can't believe how much has changed since then. One year later and this little dark hair and olive skin baby that needed us to take care of his every need, has turned into a pasty white blonde just like mom and dad. :) who also thinks he is a "big boy" and is learning to do so many things on his own

We have been enjoying our summer so far, it has been HOT, but it's given us good excuse to play in the water and get out of the house when we can! Here's what we have been up to so far...
Denim Graduated!

He also got his Mission Call! He will be leaving to Atlanta, Georgia on August 14th! We are excited for him and know he will be a great missionary!

We went to the zoo on Memorial day weekend with Grandma, Grandad and Aunt Sylinda. Treyson was pretty much just there for the animal crackers and a ride in the stroller, but it was still a fun day.

 His favorite was definitely the monkeys, he even made the "ah-ah" sound when we put him up by the cage
And this was my view for most of the day :) I loved it!
And speaking of animals.. This is what we get when we ask Treyson "What does a fishy say?"

We also got to celebrate Father's day! We sure love our Daddy in this house! Lloyd is such a wonderful husband and father. I am so grateful that I get to be with him forever, and one of my greatest joys in life comes from watching him be such a fun Daddy to Treyson. This year for Father's day we did a special photo shoot and put big prints of these pictures up in Trey's room... he already wan'ts to be Just like his Daddy!

1 comment:

  1. So CUTE! both the pics and the boys, and you :)
