Monday, May 13, 2013

We're Still Alive

It's been to long since I've posted, but life has been crazy these last few weeks. Ever since Trey's birthday I have been wanting to do an entire post about his 1st birthday celebration, but time has not been on my side lately. So Today when I caught him EATING the soil and rocks out of my new Mother's Day lilies that I got yesterday... I decided it's time! The Birthday post will still come, but this is just a quick look at what has been happening at our house the last while.
Is it bad if I let him keep playing in them long enough to take a picture? 

 Trey got to help Daddy mow the lawn! It was quite a sight... and a workout I'm sure, but a good memory to.
 And here's the birthday preview... many more to come as soon as I find the time!
I sure love this little guy and can't believe he is already a year old!!

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