Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday!

Well... better late than never right?! The past month has been a super crazy one at our house. We are in the process of Lloyd going back to school, trying to rent/sell our house, being busy in church callings, and always chasing our little monkey boy around! It may be a month late, but I finally found a minute to post some pictures of the Birthday boy! 

Treyson absolutely loves "The Lorax" movie, so that was the theme for his party. I had a lot of fun getting everything ready, and loved the chance to be a little creative! Can't believe my baby boy is already 1. He has been such a blessing to us, and we say all the time... "What did we ever do before we had him?" It seems like he is the source of our constant entertainment, but we sure love him! Here are just a few of the things that make up this Birthday Boy's amazing personality!

Treyson. 1 year. Loves giving kisses. 6 teeth.  
Loves walking with push cartEverything is "Dada"... including Mama. 
23lb. 9oz. Loves to cuddle while Mom sings at bed time. 18-24 month clothes. 31in tall. Everything belongs on the floor... Everything. Loves to swing. Waves bye bye. Still a little to nervous to walk alone. Loves sippy cup with a straw. Into mischief always. Wears anything he can around his neck. 
What does a puppy say?... Woof woofBest smile in the world. 
Biggest blessing of our lives. Happy Birthday Trey!

Here is the Birthday shirt I made
And all the decorations
 Mr. Lorax
 And of course the Truffula trees!
 Truffula tree - oreo pop - cakes!
 One cake just Treyson's size!
 He was pretty excited, but a little scared to dig in at first... I'm sure he was waiting for Mom to get after him ;)
 So Dad had to finally get him started!
 It didn't take to long for him to get the hang of it
 He literally had cake from ear to ear
 And when he had enough... you better believe that cake went straight to the floor 

 He even offered to share :)
 And to top of the celebration, I let him tear down the streamers the next morning
 This is all we were left with once he was done
And he even found some leftover crumbs of cake on his high chair that he decided to eat for breakfast
We don't know what we would do without this little guy! Love him to pieces! 

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Language of Faith

Last night we had an amazing Relief Society activity. We had a special guest speaker come to our ward and she gave a presentation on the Language of Faith. She shared a lot of things that really struck a cord with me.

"The kind of life you live, your disposition, your very nature, will be determined by your thoughts. - David O. McKay

Now I have heard this quote before, but I guess it just never really sank in. I can have COMPLETE power to gain control of every aspect of myself due to the thoughts I have. She talked about the difference in the language of Despair (The degrading way I usually speak to myself during the day when I don't measure up to my own expectations) versus the language of Faith. (Thoughts that bring me closer to God, increase love for myself, and build hope)

"To have a Faith-filled life, I must have Faith-filled thoughts."

She compared it to a garden, it will take time and hard work to see my efforts of thinking this way making a difference, just like planting a seed. Also, no matter how many good things you plan in a garden, if you don't get rid of the weeds, before long they take over. Just like negative thinking. So today I choose the Language of Faith!

I wrote down the things I have been dwelling on negatively lately, and turned them around. I will look at them  every day when I study my scriptures. With time I know I will believe these thoughts even more than the negative thoughts I used to have in place of them.

1. I am beautiful
2. I can accept a compliment and take it as truth instead of doubting or counteracting it
3. I have been given everything I need to be the kind of wife and mother I want to be
4. I can be a success in my life and strengthen the talents my Heavenly Father has given me

Monday, May 13, 2013

We're Still Alive

It's been to long since I've posted, but life has been crazy these last few weeks. Ever since Trey's birthday I have been wanting to do an entire post about his 1st birthday celebration, but time has not been on my side lately. So Today when I caught him EATING the soil and rocks out of my new Mother's Day lilies that I got yesterday... I decided it's time! The Birthday post will still come, but this is just a quick look at what has been happening at our house the last while.
Is it bad if I let him keep playing in them long enough to take a picture? 

 Trey got to help Daddy mow the lawn! It was quite a sight... and a workout I'm sure, but a good memory to.
 And here's the birthday preview... many more to come as soon as I find the time!
I sure love this little guy and can't believe he is already a year old!!