Monday, March 18, 2013

New Favorites this week

-Face Time with Lloyd on his lunch breaks
-Dough enhancer for making homemade bread
-FamLee parties! (Some of the funnest chaos I've ever had a pleasure to be a part of)

-Smoky BBQ Sunflower seeds
-Playing Peek-a-boo with Treyson over Face Time

-Being tall enough to reach the piano keys to play all by himself
-Playing with Aunt Sylinda more!
-Grandmas Cookie Jar
-Drinking from a big boy cup (Even if it looks like he's been swimming afterwards)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Better late than never

I was looking through my phone today, and this may be a couple weeks old, but it's one of my favorites! Lloyd and I went on a day trip to Boise to watch the high school State Basketball tournament. I haven't laughed so hard as long as I can remember and we just had such a fun day together. This is us eating dinner at "Big Buns" before we headed back home. I'm a very lucky girl to be married such a good husband who will be a goof with me and can still make me laugh harder than anyone!
 This is Treyson crawling through the chairs at Granni's. I'm finally starting to get the hang of this new camera, so I thought it would be fun to look back and see my pictures progressing once I really figure things out. I had my first of many photography classes last weekend, and yesterday was the first day I felt like I captured a picture to look how I actually saw it happen instead of it looking like a washed out snapshot! Baby steps!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Love this boy!

Treyson is developing so much personality this week! I feel like he is already outgrowing his "baby" stage. I think he finally realized he was a Lee this week, and that he has to speak up and make some noise if he wants to fit in with his Lee cousins. (I tried to upload a voice recording of him "talking" but it didn't work) :(

 I am just so grateful to be this little boy's Momma and that I have the chance to watch him grow and discover new things. We taught him to tell the dogs "On Out" just like Grandpa does when he lets them out of the cage to run!

Here's our awesome "self timer" skills on the camera :) Treyson was obviously more interested in playing with the camera than posing... we will get better!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I started a gratitude journal this year and it has helped me realize all the little things I take for granted every day. I thought this might be a great place to list the things I am most grateful  for from time to time. Heres a few of my highlights so far this year.

Jan 2: A husband who listens to the spirit
Jan 19: A love note left by Lloyd for me to find after he left to work
Jan 21: The funny faces Treyson pulls while eating snacks in his high chair... and how he just pulls them more when I start laughing (He already knows he is pretty funny)
Jan 25: How the day goes SO much better when I remember to say my prayers and read my scriptures in the morning
Jan 31: Our very first date night since Trey was born! He had his first sleepover at Grandpa and Granni's
Feb 4: Morning prayers with Lloyd... he had black ice all the way to work. I know our prayer helped to keep him safe that day
Feb 10: Such a sweet little boy who is so close to the spirit. We sing "I am a Child of God" every night at bedtime and today he recognized the song playing in our bedroom and crawled in just long enough to get a better listen
Feb 14: A sweet hubby who took the time to make the plans for valentines this year... it meant the world to me!
Feb 15: A very supportive husband who encourages me in my goals and dreams to become a photographer
Feb 17: A Heavenly Father who is always there to listen even when I am sure he is tired of me making the same mistakes over and over
Feb 20: A listening ear from Lloyd after a hard day in my calling
Feb 22: Hearing Treyson laughing hysterically with his Daddy while getting ready for bed
Feb 24: "Talking" back and forth with Treyson. I say Huh? and he repeats it back and forth with me
Feb 26: How hard it is to lay Trey down at night for bed when he keeps giving me the biggest smile ever

Also... here is what we have been up to with my new camera! 
Can't wait till I actually know what I am doing with this thing! 

It's safe to say he is probably getting a little tired of mom always flashing this camera thing in his face :)