Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Life's not perfect

Life's not perfect... and neither am I. I have been sitting back feeling guilty the last few months for not keeping up on this blog. I really want it to be something for my family to look back on and get to know the real me. At the same time, I stress myself out over the weirdest things. Just for the fact that I worry about what people might think of a post I thought up in my head, I stop myself from ever writing it. I also think about how I have to be grammatically correct and use "writing" language... aka: big words I don't actually use. :)
I met a new friend in my ward, and she probably thinks I'm a creep for already loving her as much as I do! She has a blog that I started reading before church one day... and an hour and a half later... when I should have been getting ready for church, I finally peeled myself away. I couldn't believe how much I could relate to everything she was talking about and she was saying things that I have felt so many times but just never put into words. Well just a couple weeks later and we are now work out buddies! We have only gone running a few times together, but sometimes you just click with someone, and she is just the friend I have been needing lately!
After talking to her and confessing my love for her blog, :) it got me thinking. Her posts are usually short and to the point with a picture or two... which is awesome! It made me realize that I don't have to write a novel every time I want to share something going on in my life. If I really want to keep this blog up, that's the only way I think I can stay committed. So I apologize this is already starting to turn into a novel, but I am once again committed to make this a priority in my life.
I am far from perfect, and I'm sorry to say, that is exactly what anyone will get if they ever stumble upon this blog. I realize I need to embrace my life as it is, with all the imperfections. I am SUPER self conscious about ever going out in public looking less than presentable, but there are more important things in life than never letting anyone see you looking less than perfect. So here you have it... To embrace my imperfections and get over my superficial phobia, I'm showing you the real me. I want my children to have proof that I was "in the picture" so to speak, and to document life like it really is, not just the dolled up version of life that we put on for a photo shoot. So here is a picture of me and my cutie pie after our run this morning.  Day old make up, gross workout hair and all!
First off he HATES getting bundled up for running... but once we get him all cozied up in the stroller he is as happy as a roasty toasty clam! 
Here we are in all our glory! 

1 comment:

  1. doesn't count if you're still gorgeous, love :) And I just want to eat that baby UP! So cute!
