Wednesday, February 18, 2015


It's 6:09am and you have been asleep since 9:30pm. This is the first time you have slept through the night in your short 8 weeks of life. And although I am grateful for the full night of sleep. I have probably checked at least 6 times in the last hour to make sure you're still breathing :) Mommy paranoia is a love/hate relationship. Even in the littlest thing like 9 hours of sleep, I know this is one more tiny milestone you just reached and it makes me realize all the more how fast time flies. I have loved watching you grow even for just two months, and sometimes wish I could stop time for you and your big brother. I love letting you be little, but find so much joy in watching you grow also. Thank you for coming into my life so that I can watch, snuggle, worry about, and love you.

Sleep tight sweetheart,
Love Mommy

1 comment:

  1. I love you Sunni! my nephews are eternally blessed to have you as their mom.
