Friday, May 24, 2013

The Language of Faith

Last night we had an amazing Relief Society activity. We had a special guest speaker come to our ward and she gave a presentation on the Language of Faith. She shared a lot of things that really struck a cord with me.

"The kind of life you live, your disposition, your very nature, will be determined by your thoughts. - David O. McKay

Now I have heard this quote before, but I guess it just never really sank in. I can have COMPLETE power to gain control of every aspect of myself due to the thoughts I have. She talked about the difference in the language of Despair (The degrading way I usually speak to myself during the day when I don't measure up to my own expectations) versus the language of Faith. (Thoughts that bring me closer to God, increase love for myself, and build hope)

"To have a Faith-filled life, I must have Faith-filled thoughts."

She compared it to a garden, it will take time and hard work to see my efforts of thinking this way making a difference, just like planting a seed. Also, no matter how many good things you plan in a garden, if you don't get rid of the weeds, before long they take over. Just like negative thinking. So today I choose the Language of Faith!

I wrote down the things I have been dwelling on negatively lately, and turned them around. I will look at them  every day when I study my scriptures. With time I know I will believe these thoughts even more than the negative thoughts I used to have in place of them.

1. I am beautiful
2. I can accept a compliment and take it as truth instead of doubting or counteracting it
3. I have been given everything I need to be the kind of wife and mother I want to be
4. I can be a success in my life and strengthen the talents my Heavenly Father has given me

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