Monday, August 22, 2016

My baby is gone...

Kanon woke up in tears an hour after bed time. I wasn't sure what he needed, but after a few minutes of tears I could tell he wasn't going to settle back down to sleep. 
I walked in to a VERY upset little boy and was just sure that this was going to be "one of those times" when nothing I try is going to work and I'd be fighting for hours to get him back down. 
Much to my surprise, the second I picked him up, he immediately started falling back to sleep. He kept opening his eyes and was a little scared each time as he finished out his tears, but then he would look right into my eyes and instantly relax again. 
It was such a good mommy moment to feel like I was exactly what, and absolutely everything that he needed right then.
As I was enjoying that feeling and looking at his sweet little face I realized that my baby is gone :( I swear that just since I laid him down for bed just 2 hours ago that his face has changed, he has grown up, and I am holding a little boy in my arms. 
Time is going too fast and I can't do a thing about it. I can't even express how grateful I am to be home with my children to capture and remember these little moments. 
I may be losing my baby boy one day at a time, but I am one lucky Mamma to be able to be here to watch it all happen and enjoy the journey with my boys.