Monday, November 18, 2013

Best day of my life

At work today I heard a popular song by American Authors and it jumped out at me like it never has before... Today is gonna be the best day of my life! 

...And English Bulldogs hold a soft spot in our hearts so I chose that's why I chose this video

It reminded me of a phrase my Sunday school teacher Dirk Martin said to our class years ago. Someone asked him how he was doing and he said... "Great! It's the best day of my life! Yesterday is gone and tomorrow isn't here yet, so it's the best day if my life. 

He may not even remember saying this to us, but it really stuck with me in highschool and I even stole his line a few times when people would ask me how I was doing. When I had such a good outlook on my day it went much better and I always seemed to find something to be happy about when I treated it like the best day of my life.

Since our move a couple of months ago I have been desperately trying to find a balance, and peace in day to day life. It has been a struggle at times. I went back to work for the first time in almost 2 years, but that didn't change all the things I still have to get done at home every day. So in efforts to find my sanity :) I have been trying be grateful for every little thing each day... Good or bad. It has helped immensely and I'm reminded every day how blessed I am, especially when I can look for and appreciate reasons to be grateful for the hard times to. So I guess you could say I had a "re-epiphany" today when I heard this song. I miss the days of just being so happy because I woke up and decided to be that way. So what better way to boost my "attitude of gratitude" than to remember today is the very best day of my life and to treat it that way! 

And on an unrelated note... here is Trey having a little dance party in the living room today... Boise state beanie, nacho libre cape and all! 

I just never want to forget the little moments like these that make up our days together